First Penance and Communion

The Sacraments of First Penance and Communion are celebrated
when a child is in Year 2 or seven years old (or older).

First Penance and First Communion Information - 2024

Enrolments for 2024 ARE NOW CLOSED
Enrolment Forms are returned (by email or by hand) to the Parish Office.
          Do not return forms to the School Office.


The Sacrament of First Communion is given to children who have reached the age of reason,
which is accepted as seven years old, that is, when a child is in Year 2. [Canons 913, 914]

Prior to receiving First Communion,
children are to celebrate the Sacrament of Penance [Reconciliation].

In order to prepare for these Sacraments,
there is a preparation program consisting of the following:
      -  a parent information evening
      -  two classes (after school hours) in preparation for First Penance
      -  celebration of First Penance
      -  two classes (after school hours) in preparation for First Communion

Enrolment Forms will be available in February 2025

Enrolment Forms are returned (by email or by hand) to the Parish Office.
             Do not return forms to the School Office.

The program will depend on NSW Health Restrictions.

Parent Meeting                       Tuesday, 15 October at 19:30

Penance Classes 1 and 2             Tuesdays, 22 October and 29 October, 15:45 to 17:00

Sacrament of Penance         Wednesday,  30 October at 19:00

Eucharist Classes 3 and 4           Tuesdays, 12 and 19 November, 15:45 to 17:00

First Communion at either of the weekend Masses on ...
    30 November or 1 December
... or
   7 or 8 December ... or  on any later we

Reconciliation Book Instructions will be emailed to those who enrol.

For information about the celebration of First Penance, click HERE

Parent Information for First Reconciliation will be emailed to those who enrol.

Eucharist Book Instructions will be emailed to those who enrol.

Welcome to the children who will participate fully in the Eucharist for the first time,
by receiving Holy Communion, the Body and Blood of Christ.